Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dining in Style...

Things have been quite busy around here and with a very exciting event coming up at a gorgeous home in Los Angeles, I couldn't wait to put on my creative cap and design an inspiration board for their dinner party.  The home, built in the 1920s, has many of the Egyptian style touches that were so prominent during the era when King Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered and caused a style renaissance that is still visible in many of the older homes and theaters built during that decade.  To honor the era, I created an inspiration board built around the Hollywood Regency design with a bit of glamour, femininity and celebration.  The client wanted to avoid a lot of color, so I opted for subtle hints of yellow and candlelight to give that bit of warmth and luminosity without pulling too many hues. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. The color theme (a lot of cream and gold from the photos) is BEAUTIFUL! I actually may adopt it for my son's baptism…cream, gold, and of course baby blue (because he is a boy) but I think they'd be awesome together. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration :)
